Monday, January 28, 2013

Les Mills Combat Day 18!

Hello everybody! Here is day 18, its another rest day so here are some more philosophical thoughts! ;)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Les Mills Combat Day 17!

So once again, I forgot to put my phone on "Do Not Disturb" and half way through the workout I got a call, and that makes my phone stop here it is Day 17 in 2 parts! Enjoy!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Les Mills Combat Day 16!

Hello again! Here it is, day 16, today was the HIIT Power, which I have to say I think this is my least favorite workout! That just means I have to work harder at it to conquer it!! Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Les Mills Combat Day 15!

Here it is folks, the beast of a workout, Les Mills Combat 60!

I have to admit that I cut it short at the end of the workout because I got extremely emotional! I don't know if you're following along with the program at home and how you felt after finishing the 60 minute work out, but for me it was incredible! I couldn't believe that me, formerly obese, now working towards a fit body could actually complete a 60 min workout! I'm going to be totally honest and say that I sat down and cried for a good 5-6 mins and then kept tearing up for the rest of the day! Even if no one else is, I am so proud of what I have accomplished and cant wait to see what comes next!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Les Mills Combat day 10!

So I am apparently Im really not that good at this whole video blog thing! LOL! Last night I had to stop working out cause there was a notification on my camera and I was afraid to stopped record, which it hadnt, but then I had to stop because I almost kicked the dog and then I ran out of room on my camera so I missed the last few minutes of the work out, sorry about that! Hopefully the more I do this the better I will get at it! All this comes down to just one thing, I haven't been able to keep my promise of just one video...just hang in there with me and we will work this out together! Stay with the Fight!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Les Mills Combat Day 9

Well, I tried to do it all on one video to make it easier to view but it doesn't look like that is going to work out, I'm sorry! I'm just not as tech savvy as I though I was ;) But here is day 9, Enjoy!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Les Mills Combat Day 8

Instead of bombarding you with several videos I just recorder my before and after all together with the workout! Let me know which you prefer! I can always go back to the 3 video format!
Thanks guys! Love you!

Les Mills Combat Day 6

Friday, January 11, 2013

Les Mills Combat Day 5

Here it is Day 5! HIIT Shock Pylo! Little bit upset because my camera ran out of room after the first 22 mins...sorry about that! I will try to do better!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's a Rest Day!

Today was a rest day but I still wanted to share some more information about my fitness journey! Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Les Mills Combat Day 3

OK! Here is day 3, I'm finally caught up! I think I'm getting this all figured out! Uploading the videos was taking some time but I finally figured out how to get it on my phone and upload directly to YouTube  I was filming on a regular camera and then having to transfer it to a different format and then go to YouTube  it was taking almost 6 hours per workout! Yikes! But hopefully from here on out I can get posts up ASAP! Well here goes nothing! Day 3 pre-workout, workout, and post-workout! Enjoy!

PS. how does YouTube pick the thumbnail for these videos cause I am looking quite goofy in a most of them! Tried to change one but it is being stubborn! LOL! oh well, the work outs are more important right!!

Les Mills Combat Day 2

OK, here goes Day 2! This on was a dosey! Definitively see lots of things to work on!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Starting 2013!

I started my fitness travels on Jan 2, 2011. It was a new year and new me! As my about me video stated I lost 50lbs that first year and 30 in 2012!
This year I have no weight loss goals, I'm just rolling with the punches, literally! #combat!
Here is a look back at me!

Les Mills Combat Day 1

So between you and me, I am not a writer so I will be doing most of my posts via video! Hope that is alright with you! This first video is an intro to Day 1 followed by me actually doing Day 1 Les Mills Combat Kick Start and a follow up video after the work out!

About Me!

This is a little video to introduce myself!
And a second video to cover what I forgot in the first! LOL!